Ladybug for Girls West Africa

Monrovia, Liberia 2017

Where We Work

We go where we are needed and work with partner ​organizations to help girls where they live, learn, and play.

World Map Line Illustration
Playful Professional Pin
Playful Professional Pin
Playful Professional Pin
Playful Professional Pin

Global Health for Girls

In 2017, Ladybug for Girls chartered its first global Ladybug for Girls chapter in​ Monrovia, Liberia in West Africa at the ICF Mission of Hope boarding school. ​Since then we have expanded our global girls health initiative to include other ​rural underserved communities in villages of Tamil Nadu, India and Nairobi, ​Kenya.

The global outreach policies of the Ladybug for Girls Foundation, Inc. are ​inspired by the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, and are now ​informed by the successive United Nations Sustainable Development Goal’s ​(SDG’s) #2 Zero Hunger, #3 Good Health and Wellbeing, #4 Quality Education, ​#5 Gender Equality, #6 Clean Water and Sanitation, and #12 Responsible ​Consumption and Production of the 17 goals to transform the world. Ladybug for ​Girls holistically advocates for improved health and wellness for women and ​girls both locally and globally.

Ladybug for Girls Outreach in Asia

Tamil Nadu, India 2018

WASH and Human Rights

Ladybug for Girls helps to raise awareness of the experiences displaced refugee women and children face ​around the world. We also share in the vision with the WASH and Human Rights community the Global ​WASH initiative, which is a collective effort that focuses on access to clean water, access to the use of ​toilets with sanitation, and basic hygiene practices in developing countries. Along with other advocacy ​organizations, the Ladybug for Girls Foundation, Inc. will continue to inspire girls to be courageous and ​ambitious and leverage our voices by signing petitions and calling on State lawmakers when needed.

Ladybug for Girls East Africa

Nairobi, Kenya 2021

Global Girls Sports Day

Further, we celebrate girls in physical fitness and sports globally with our annual girl’s health day event ​Global Girls Sports Day. In 2021, we chartered our first Ladybug for Girls Chapter in Nairobi, Kenya. Ladybug ​for Girls is intentional in reaching girls with the greatest unmet need for health and sport wellness ​resources and providing her and her family with the resources they need to lead long healthy lives.


Contact Us

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9AM-4PM

Phone: (800) 473 - 0280

Fax: (888) 586 - 1114

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